Thursday, September 17, 2009

Super power

If i could choose any superpower it would have to be mimicricy. I would choose this because i would be able to mimic any other super heroes power which would give me access to all powers. I would be able to be super strong at the same time as super fast and super smart. It is the ultimate super power of all powers.

1 comment:

  1. Some of your blogs have a lot of thought and detail. Your passion for sports really comes through in your "Top 3" blog, and your review of the Vancouver Canucks (though I personally found it a bit on the negative side :-) had lots of specific information. Your "Super Power" blog and your "Creative Pursuits" blogs are too short. You also really need to re-read your work and edit it (for example you seem to have an issue with using capital letters in your "Top 3" blog).
