Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Top Three

My top three favorite sports are lacrosse, hockey and golf. These are my favorite because I enjoy both playing and watching these sports. What i like about all these sports is that they are all competitive and fun.
Lacrosse would have to be my top sport by far. From the moment i first picked up a stick i new that i would love it and play it for a very long time. I started plaing when I was six and hope to keep playing for many years to come. the part i love most about the game is the roughness. But i also love the competitive aspect of it. Lacrosse is number one above hockey because i have played it for a long time and its not that i just like to play it but i have a passion for it.

Hockey is forsure one of my top three sports. Hockey is kind of the same as lacrosse. My dad played hockey all throiugh his childhood and loved it and still plays it. As any young kid that look up to there parents, we want to try what their parents are doing. And for the first sport I had tried I loved and I continued to love it for many years and liked playing it with my dad. I started to play organized hockey when i was five and loved every aspect of it. It was super fun, sociable and something that kept us occupied and away from drugs. Even though I have played hockey for another year then lacrosse and atteched to it, after many years i started to not enjoy it as much as lacrosse, and thats why Lacrosse is my number one.

Golf is the third sport that is in my top three favorite sports. I love to play golf as well. I find golf competitive when you make it that way but its very easy to go out with friends and just play for fun or sometimes juust go out by yourself and practice. I like that it doesnt have to be competive all the time and itsa a great sport to have to play when I take a break from all the competion from lacrosse and hockey. I love this sport and thats why it is in my top three but I have only just be playing for a few years which is why I think it is only my number three.

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